Saturday, November 28, 2020


Do you fall short in your prayers? I know I do. There are days when I feel I should say more of them, and other days when I feel like I am talking to my Heavenly Father all day long. 

There is no right or wrong time to talk to him. I like to tell my children that Heavenly Father never sleeps, and is always available to listen to us. 

I have been known to pray while I am driving my car. I just talk out loud, and bare my soul to him. 

I will admit that I have been too tired to kneel, and at times have laid down to pray, and fallen asleep. It happens. 

It definitely is having a sincere heart when you are praying, and open mind, and to be willing to act upon whatever promptings you receive. 

The adversary will do his best every day to make sure you stray from the correct path. That is what makes him happy. Don’t give him the satisfaction. Don’t let him win. 

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Do you fall short in your prayers? I know I do. There are days when I feel I should say more of them, and other days when I feel like I am t...