Wednesday, September 30, 2020

This recipe makes me happy

Years ago my Mother and Sister gave me a cookbook for one of my birthdays. There was a favorite bread recipe that I would make every week for my three young children at the time. 

We were an Army family and moved a lot. We lived in Germany, Barstow, California and also Hawaii. This recipe came with us everywhere. It was the best recipe for bread that I have ever found. 

I lost the cookbook that this recipe was in. It might still be packed in some boxes, but when I have looked for it I have been unable to find it. Trust me when I say that I have tried. 

This made me sad.......Until this morning. 

I sit with a friend every Wednesday morning. Just to make sure she is ok, and it gives her husband peace of mind when he leaves the house for a few hours. When I walked into their kitchen this morning they had a copy of the very cookbook that I have lost and been looking for. I asked if I could look for the recipe, and voila I found it. I was silently doing a happy dance. 

I knew all of the ingredients, and even the procedures by heart, but I could not remember the measurements or the temperature to cook the bread. So, now I will be able to make this recipe for my family again. 

The recipe calls for a glaze at the end. The only thing I did differently with this was use melted butter instead of the glaze. It always gave the bread a slight salty flavor on the crust, but in a good way. 

Oh, I can’t wait to make this again. Yes, I even knead it with my hands. This is pure joy. If you try it let me know how you like it. 

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